I had a lot of fun, although I missed my husband tremendously. I knew he was missing out on all the fun and seeing all the family, (especially the nieces and nephews) so I tried to take pictures of everything we did (some of which will follow shortly).
The biggest bummer, besides missing Michael, was getting a speeding ticket on the way to a wedding. NOT fun!
It was so fun to see all FIVE of my nieces and nephews, including my newest nephew who was born June 6th.
Isabelle loves her new favorite toy Elmo, from Uncle Mike. She also loves to wear her shirt we sent her from PA.
A couple of Oregon sites I miss:
Beach time with the family:
We made these beach bags. Even Isabelle got one!
The girls won mini-golf.
I took this picture of me eating Tillamook ice cream (to show Michael what he was missing out on). I got a triple scoop for the first time ever, and people kept staring at me!
Is there anything more adorable?
Chicken Ranch Pizza from Upper Crust. Another shot I took for Michael. Pizza on the east coast is no good.
My brother's two kids.
Our "adopted" nephews. Our best friends' two boys. We moved to Oregon two weeks before Hudson was born, so this was the first time I got to see him.
I was able to go to two weddings.
The first one was a friend from George Fox. The four of us girls lived on the same floor for two years.
The second wedding was a Fox/Twin Rocks friend. It ended up being almost half of our staff from 2003 were there (including our directors), a mini-five year reunion! Such a blessing.
I had a wonderful week. It was so fun to see a lot of people at Twin Rocks that were there for camp that week. We even got to see our pastor who was staying next door! I am home rejuvenated and ready for what comes next: an internship overseas. (When we know where we are going, I promise that I'll post something).
Melissa - It was so fun to have you here for the week. I am glad it worked out for you to come. Sorry about the ticket. I didn't hear about it. The pictures are great especially the one with Isabelle and Grandpa. Thanks for sharing them. Love you, Bev
I am glad you had such a good time!!! :) I wish we could have got together...things have been really emotional and crazy the last couple weeks. :( My sis in law Sarah who has been married 1 1/2 years is pregnant due in March. We found out right after my period came and we were so sure we were pregnant. I'm trying to stay motivated and joyful. We got two kitties...they are like furry kids who are 5 months old.:) Hope this helps. :) Hope your doing good...
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